Primate-Hepcidin Compete™ ELISA Kit


Species: Primate Analyte: Hepcidin
Range: 1 – 250 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.5 ng/ml
SKU: PHC-001 Category: Tags: , ,
Catalog NumberPHC-001
Quantity96 Wells
ApplicationELISA, EIA, RUO
Antibody TypeMonoclonal
Target SpeciesBaboon, Cynomolgus
AnalyteHepcidin-25, HAMP, HEPC, LEAP1
Assay time1hr 40m
Detection methodColorimetric
Sample typeSerum
Sample volume required per well24ul
Detection range1-250ng/ml
Regulatory statusResearch Use Only ELISA
Storage requirements4C

Typical Data

Hepcidin StandardsConcentration (ng/mL)Absorbance (450nm)


Intra assay PrecisionInter assay Precision
Mean (ng/ml)
Standard Deviation




Sample TypeRange(%)Average Recovery(%)


The Intrinsic LifeSciences Primate-Hepcidin CompeteTM competitive ELISA is designed for quantification of hepcidin-25 in baboon or cynomolgus monkey serum. Quantification of hepcidin-25 from other primate species or from plasma or other body fluids has not been evaluated. This kit does not contain mercaptoethanol, azide- or mercury-based preservatives.

Hepcidin was discovered to be an antimicrobial peptide produced in the liver and is the peptide hormone that regulates extracellular iron in response to changes in dietary and systemic iron load. Hepcidin also regulates iron in response to anemia, hypoxia, erythropoiesis, and inflammation. Hepcidin is an acute phase protein that is elevated in anemia of inflammation. IL-6 is a principal regulator of hepcidin during inflammation. Hepcidin inhibits cellular iron efflux by binding to and inducing degradation of the sole known iron channel, ferroportin. Hepcidin is the master regulator of iron homeostasis in all vertebrates.

U.S. Pat. No. 9,657,098; NZ Pat. No. 631098; Pat. Pending in the US and abroad

PHC-001 Product Insert

Researcher’s Guide to Hepcidin Testing

Questions? Please email us: [email protected]

General Information

Catalog number PHC-001
Quantity 96 Wells
Application ELISA, EIA, RUO
Method Competative
Antibody type Monoclonal
Target species Baboon, Cynomolgus
Analyte Hepcidin-25, HAMP, HEPC, LEAP1
Assay time 1hr 40m
Detection method Colormetric
Sample type Serum
Sample volume required per well 24 ul
Detection range 1 – 250 ng/ML
Sensitivity 0.5 ng/mL
Regulatory Status Research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Storage requirements 2-8 c

Typical data

Hepcidin-25 Standard Concentration (ng/ML) Absorbance (450nm)
1 400 0.0648
2 133.3 0.1043
3 44.4 0.2168
4 14.8 0.5247
5 4.9 1.0188
6 1.65 1.5767
7 0.55 1.7773
8 0.0001 1.888


Intra-assay Precision Inter-assay Precision
Sample 1 2 3 1 2 3
n 16 16 16 16 16 16
Mean(ng/ml) 16.9 93.1 139.0 17.6 89.3 134.0
Standard deviation 2.14 2.03 6.92 1.02 5.39 6.98
CV (%) 12.7 2.2 5.0 5.8 6.0 5.2


1:2 Range (%) 96-99
Average (%) 97
1:4 Range (%) 92-1015
Average (%) 98


Sample Type Range (%) Average Recovery (%)
Serum 85-113 98

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 7.0 × 6.0 × 4.0 in


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